
Hygge - My new obsession.

No, it's not a new trendy word

Hygge pronounced hyoo·guh has been a word since the mid-20th century and comes from Denmark.

This word is actually very hard to transcribe into English, as there is no directly translation. However, to make it simply it is usually refered to cozy and comfortable surrondings in an environment.

Now why is this a productivity post?

Well to start, it has no direct correlation to Productivity, sorry to burst your bubble . But it is an idea I took from a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. The feeling I have recieved from transforming my space to more of a cozy environment is almost indescribable. Opening your laptop, playing some LoFi Hiphop and typing away to the beats is 10x better when you feel comfortable.

Now this combined with the attitude of getting your thoughts on paper, your work completed, and your weekdays finished can go a long way.

If you follow this blog, you will noticed two things.

1. It isn't consistent

Yes, that is my fault. But the idea of writing comes to me as a passion, as a way to express myself and keep my mind going. I have definetly been stuck in unproductive ruts, and what gets me back on track is a quote by Joshua Fields Millburn, you can read about him and the podcast he has called The Minimalists by clicking on the link above.

This quote is the idea of hitting success. We all want to hit it, but to everyone it is different. The idea of a monetary life doesn't equate to success if you aren't happy with yourself. I learned that the way for me to become happy is directly related to Improvement. If I continuously work on myself I become much happier. When that happens I find myself going towards my goal to succeed. That is why this quote hits home.

To continue on with my first point of inconsistency, I will be posting more blogs as I take trips around Europe and learn more about the culture of Sweden, where I am currently at!

2. The blog looks different

Yes, it is finally modified and no longer the ugly site I had coded previously. This time I decided to make it easier for me to post so the blog is no longer fully coded by myself. Bummer, but that means higher quantity of posts with a higher quality!

Now let's get on to Hygge

Lights, plants, a clean and comfortable environment are all ideas that come from Hygge. I can't say that Hygge is comfort, that is just a small aspect of this beautiful word. Even more, the productivity that comes from hygge might shock you.

You can come home to a space where you feel free to spread your knowledge and ideas, and on top of that continue to improve yourself knowing that you are giving your mind a rest. It is sort of like meditation. If any of you know me, I love meditation. I meditate daily and I try to take the time to understand my mind every time. Meditation frees you temporarly from the world where many ideals are clashing, however the ability to take that time to distract yourself and just let your thoughts flow helps you combat those temptations and harmful activites that are happening around you. Hygge is an idea that may or may not help you, it isn't a cure or an idea that just magicaly makes your life amazing. It is just another habit that doesn't seem to do any harm to anyone.

I have just noticed that this blog post is excatly what my title says. My obsession. Yes, I am infected with a disease called Hygge, and to that I want to thank the people at Denmark.

Copenhagen is my favorite city out of all the places I vist, kind people, focused on the environment, and making sure you go home with a smile. Thanks for reading the short post about my obsession of hygge, and I hope you adopt it into your life!

Hygge x Roshan

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