
Hello, my name is Roshan.

I am student at DePaul University who is currently studying abroad in Linköping, Sweden. Last semester I studied in Lyon, France, and I am currently working towards a Bachelors of Computer Science and Business Administration.

Productivity is one of my passions, and the goal to be able to spread the failures, the sucessess, and the inbetweens of my life is something I'd like to implement in my life.

This Is My Story

I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, IL called Schaumburg. At Schaumburg I was focused on doing the best in school, getting good grades, but also to be able to socialize with others.

I later moved to Chicago, IL to start my journey of college. To my suprise, life changed dramatically. I got really passionate about programing, meditation, and self-care. I have now been abroad in Europe for almost a year, and my perspective of life has changed once again.