
COVID-19 - Perfect timing?

Don't panic. That is what they are telling us. But after what the President (Donald J. Trump) said it seems like everyone is panicking.

I'm currently studying abroad in Linköping, Sweden and have received multiple emails from my University in the states. They state that my program is currently not suspended (thankfully), however it is "recommended" that I come home. This is terrible news for me, as I am wanting to stay in Sweden. Although it is a recommendation, the worry that comes to me is that as this virus continues to grow will the border restrictions get worse?

As of now, I am scrambling to figure out what to do, whether I stay, or whether I go. It's an important decision, one that will impact my education as I am supposed to graduate in June of 2020 here in Linköping.

This is why I mark COVID-19 to have a "Perfect Timing". It's sarcasm of course, because now it is causing panic around the world. We all need to stay calm, health, and safe. But at the same time, we all need to know that this isn't just a "virus". It is important to understand what is happening, to understand what COVID-19 is. If we all start to prevent this, which is currently happening, then we have a better chance of preventing spread. I know many of people are saying, "don't worry about it, you're young and it only affects the older generation", it is still a worry. We can't only think about ourselves. We must think about everyone that is involved.

It's not a time to panic, it is a time to learn and become educated around all this. To prevent it from a large spread.

Thanks for reading my short post, just wanted to get somethings out. If you feel sick at all please call and not leave home. Make sure you are safe before going out and about.

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