
Habits during COVID-19 TEst

We have all hit a point in our life where we lose our drive. It may come because you played too many video games or you just stopped working out, but many people during COVID lost their drive and fell into a rut.

I fell into this rut as well, as someone who strives to be productive all around, I stopped. My workout schedule stopped being strict, I started gaming until 2 AM and stopped meal prepping. Now, this is the point where many people get to. However, you’re not alone and I’m here to tell you one way to get out of this rut.

Many of you already know I tackle many hobbies and try to learn as many skills as possible. From learning languages to creating content, I’ve always been doing something new. Doing something new is a way to open your mind up and continue to strive in many different aspects, however, it always has a drawback.


We all hit burnout, and the way to get out of burnout is how you deal with it. Here is a short article surrounding how to deal with burnout.

    1. Scheduling

    Now scheduling is an obvious choice, but you need to understand how to stick to the schedule. I’ve talked about time boxing on my blog recently, but I didn’t talk about the drawbacks. If you schedule your day into intervals of 5, 10, or even 30 minutes you may overfill your calendar and not reach all the events you planned on doing. This is ok! Humans aren’t made to run 24/7 and breaks are needed, even if you are scheduling your breaks you may still be overwhelmed by the items you have to complete in a day. So here is my suggestion, have a to-do list. I recommend >todoist and >teuxduex, which are two powerful tools to help you maintain your main goals. This tool should be separated from your timeboxing. I recommend you gather your main events and put them down on the to-do list. This will help you keep track of the main events you need to hit and complete in a day.

    2. Create a new hobby

    This one is a little counterintuitive. Why would one create a new hobby if they can not finish the tasks they planned already?

    First of all, a new hobby is great to start if you have no schedule at all and need a better structure. I recently picked up filming a podcast called The Floatcast and streaming on Twitch, and these two hobbies forced me to create a schedule. Since I lost productivity, I had no reason to wake up early every morning. But now that I have two hobbies that force a schedule, I have to be ready for the next day. This is a great forced activity. If you enjoy what you are doing you will force yourself to reset into a schedule.

    3. Fix your schedule with a friend

    Friends are your greatest asset and your greatest weakness. Pre-COVID you may have gone out on countless drunk nights or hung out way too much. But now that it’s COVID you cannot do that anymore. Use this to your advantage to reset your schedule. The best way to fix your scheduling and productivity is to challenge a friend and learn new things with them. If you don’t have a friend that is willing you can always jump into my discord “Life Journey” to talk about anything or meet people to start a plan. I plan on keeping this discord for all to learn and to communicate with each other so click here to join.

Thanks for reading my blog, it has been a while since I updated this, but I’ve been in the rut that many of you have been in, and now that my website is all refurbished, I’m ready to start the journey with you. Let us all help each other to be the best person we can.


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